- 模式
- 菜单
- 快捷键
You also have the choice of creating a Linked Duplicate rather than a Duplicate; this is called a deep link. This will create a new object with all of its data linked to the original object. If you modify one of the linked objects in Edit Mode, all linked copies are modified. Transform properties (object data-blocks) still remain copies, not links, so you still can rotate, scale, and move freely without affecting the other copies. Reference the Examples for the discussions below.
If the original object was animated, the duplicate will link to the same Action. This means that, even though each object has separate transform properties, they will be set to the same values by the animation system. If this is not desired, make the action a single-user copy in the Action or NLA Editor.
- 已关联
在 复制物体 调整上一步操作 操作面板中与 复制操作 不同的是 关联 复选框已经勾选。
If you want to make changes to an object in the new linked duplicate independently of the original object, you will have to manually make the object a "single-user" copy by LMB the number in the Object Data panel of the Properties. (See 数据块菜单.)
See also
使其独立化 for unlinking data-blocks.
使用 Alt-D 关联复制物体 Cube
。尽管两个立方体有不同的名称: Cube
和 Cube.001
,但是它们共用同一个名为 Cube
在 编辑模式 中编辑一个物体的网格,另一个立方体也将发生相同变化。网格数据是关联的,而非复制。
In contrast, if one of these two cubes is rotated or scaled in Object Mode, the other remains unchanged. The transform properties are copied, not linked.
If you want transform properties (i.e. object data-blocks) to be "linked", see the page on parenting.