- 自由线
Moves vertices inward or outward based on the average normal.
- 显示锐边
Move vertices inward or outward based the original coordinates and uses the Sharper Falloff.
- 黏塑
类似于 绘画 笔刷,但包括用于调整笔刷所在平面的设置。
- 黏条
The same as the Clay brush, but it uses a cube to define the brush area of influence rather than a sphere.
- 层
Moves all vertices to an exact height creating a flat layer.
- 膨胀
Displaces the mesh in the direction of the vertex normals.
- 球形笔刷(Blob)
Pushes mesh outward or inward into a spherical shape.
- 褶皱
- 光滑
Eliminates irregularities in the mesh by averaging the positions of the vertices.
- 平化
Smooths vertices to a flat plain by finding an average height and moves vertices towards that height.
- Fill(填充)
Brings vertices below the brush plane upwards.
- 刮削
Brings vertices above the plane downwards.
- 多平面刮削
Scrapes the mesh with two angled planes at the same time, producing a sharp edge between them.
- 夹捏笔刷(Pinch)
Pulls vertices towards the center of the brush.
- 抓起
Selects a group of vertices and pulls them to follow the mouse.
- 弹性变形
Used to simulate realistic deformations such as grabbing or twisting of Elastic objects.
- 蛇形钩
- 拇指
Flattens the mesh in the brush area, while moving it in the direction of the brush stroke.
- 姿态
Poses a model simulating an armature-like deformations.
- 推移
- 旋转
Rotates vertices within the brush in the direction the cursor is moved.
- 滑动松弛(拓扑)
Slides the topology of the mesh in the direction of the stroke without changing the geometrical shape of the mesh.
- Boundary
Transforms and deforms the mesh boundaries.
- 布料
Simulates cloth that can be sculpted.
- 简化笔刷(Simplify)
Cleans up geometry by collapsing short edges.
- 遮罩
Lets you select mesh parts to be unaffected by other brushes by painting vertex colors.
- Multires Displacement Eraser
Deletes displacement information applied on a Multiresolution modifier.
- Box Trim
Creates a mask based on box select.
- Lasso Trim
Creates a mask based on lasso select.
- Line Mask
Creates a mask based on a line.
- Box Face Set
Creates a face set based on box select.
- Lasso Face Set
Creates a face set based on lasso select.
- Box Trim
Performs a Boolean operation based on box select.
- Lasso Trim
Performs a Boolean operation based on lasso select.
- Line Project
Performs a Boolean operation based on a line.
- 网格滤镜
Applies a deformation to all vertices in the mesh at the same time.
- 布料滤镜
Applies a cloth simulation to all vertices in the mesh at the same time.
- Edit Face Set
Modifies the face set under the cursor.
- 移动
- 旋转
- 比例
- 变换
- 注释
- 标注直线
- 标注多段线
- 标注橡皮擦