建形 修改器使网格物体的面随着时间的推移一个接一个地出现或消失。
默认情况下,面按照它们存储在内存中的顺序显示 (默认为创建顺序)。可以通过 排列网格元素 调整面/顶点顺序。
The Build modifier can be used to make a large number of items to progressively appear, without resorting to animating the visibility of each one by one. Examples of this include a mesh containing vertices only, which is used as an Instancing Vertex emitter, and has the Build modifier on it. Such a setup is a workaround/technique for being able to art-direct a semi-random layout of a collection of objects (e.g. leaves/balls forming a carpet). This can be preferable to particles e.g. due to undesirable distribution of items leaving random gaps and overlapping in other places.