Track To Constraint 标准跟踪约束¶
标准跟踪 约束应用旋转给它自身,因此,它总是一个给定的“至(To)”轴指向着其目标,与另一个“向上(Up)”轴永久尽可能多地保持与全球Z轴对齐(默认情况下)。这种跟踪类似于在3D的“公告牌跟踪”(见下文)。
与这种约束在某些方面关系密切的是 反向运动学 constraint 。
Billboard tracking 公告牌跟踪
术语 "公告牌" 在实时CG 编程(即视频游戏)有着特定的含义,是指用于平面物体总是面向摄像机 (它们事实上是"追踪者(trackers)",摄像机是它们的"目标") 。其主要用途是用作树或雾纹理支持︰ 如果它们不永久面向摄像机 ,你会经常看到树挤压到什么都看不到,或雾纹理像变成粘贴的砌糊状,这显得有趣但却不那么真实了。

Track To panel.¶
- Target
数据ID used to select the constraints target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none. See common constraint properties for more information.
- Track Axis
- Up向上
- Target Z 目标Z
默认情况下,自身的 Up(向上) 的轴(尽可能)与全局Z轴对齐,在跟踪旋转期间。当这个按钮被启用, Up)向上) 轴将(尽可能)与目标的本地Z轴对齐?
- Target/Owner
Standard conversion between spaces. See common constraint properties for more information.
- Influence
Controls the percentage of affect the constraint has on the object. See common constraint properties for more information.
If you choose the same axis for Tracking Axis and Up, the constraint will not be functional anymore (red state).